Sup, iam Derrick Duncan, Have a pleasant day.

Are Black Holes 4D? [Solved]

Spacetime is four-dimensional (three dimensions of space and one dimension of time), and black holes are just a particular type of curved spacetime. No, black holes are not four-dimensional spheres. For example, far from a black hole, spacetime is effectively flat rather than curved.30 Jun 2019

Understanding 4D – The Tesseract

So this has boggled my mind for a while: How, exactly, do you rotate in 4 dimensions? Well, this video should answer that.

Video 07. Are Black Holes a gateway to the Fourth Dimension? (warning flashing images)

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What Does a 4D Ball Look Like in Real Life? Amazing Experiment Shows Spherical Version of Tesseract

In this video I show you what a movement through a fourth spatial dimension would look like in our 3D World. I show you what …