Howdy, iam Frank Parker, Enjoy your time-off from me!

Can An Employer Make You Come In Early Without Pay? [Solved]

In one of HR Grapevine’s latest articles they ask the question do employers have the right to ask their staff to come in 15 minutes early? Short answer: not unless you want to pay them more.16 May 2017

How To Ask For A Raise, According to a CEO | NowThis

In US news and current events today, Luminary NYC CEO Cate Luzio sat down with NowThis News to explain how to negotiate …

Health Insurance Without an Employer — for Early Retirement, Travel, and Freelancing

We retired at age 29 by following the FIRE (financial independence /

Early Retirement: 5 Things We Wished We Knew Before Retiring Early

When we are asked what we