Greetings, iam Rhonda Britton, Take it easy.

Can Human And Dog Periods Sync? [Solved]

The closeness between a dog and human likely enhances the hormonal synchronicity between them, although the researchers said it’s possible that dogs can temporarily sync with other people too.7 May 2015

OB-GYNs Debunk 13 Menstruation Myths | Debunked

OB-GYNs Dr. Wendy Goodall McDonald and Dr. Kiarra King debunk 13 myths about menstruation. They talk about how severe …

Why do women have periods?

A handful of species on Earth share a seemingly mysterious trait: a menstrual

EXTREMELY POWERFUL : Lower Back Pain Relief Pure Binaural Beats | VASTU #07

EXTREMELY POWERFUL : Lower Back Pain Relief Pure Binaural Beats by “VASTU - Meditation, Brainwaves & Healing”.