Namaste, iam Darrel Arebalo, Today’s going to be an amazing day for you. I can feel it!

Can You Get Pregnant On Depo Without Period? [Solved]

No period since April 2020 due to the Depo Shot. Can you still get pregnant without a period? If you’re using the birth control shot correctly, which means getting it every 12-13 weeks (3 months), it’s highly unlikely that you’ll get pregnant. Only 6 out of 100 people get pregnant each year while using the shot.21 May 2020

Pregnancy Tips : Get Pregnant After Depo-Provera


I’ve been off the Depo shot for 8 months and haven’t had a period. Can I still ovulate?

Women who have been using the

Is it possible to get pregnant while on the Depo shot?

Studies have shown that the