Namaste, iam Peter Mayton, Have a Rock-and-Roll Day!

Can You Legally Sell Replicas? [Solved]

You can sell replicas legally if you know the laws. The only illegal thing is to violate someone else’s trademark. If you use a brand name in your listings for replicas, you should be careful. In this case, we recommend you not to use the original names at all – whether it is clothing or electronic items.9 Aug 2022

Selling Counterfeit Items on Shopify?? (Dropshipping)

Hello Family!! A lot of people when starting something new always want the easy way in. And

Feds: Selling knockoff bags could land you in jail

Counterfeit bags and purses are a growing problem in Indiana and people with knockoff bags

I Sold Fake Gucci For 1 Week (SUED)

I Sold Fake Gucci For 1 Week (SUED) Description: In this video, I tried