Hola, iam Kevin Pattison, Hope you’re doing well!

Do I Use Este Or Esto? [Solved]

We use “este” to say “this” followed by a masculine singular noun, e.g´"Este hombre es muy alto" (This man is very tall). However “esto” is not followed by a noun, it refers to an “idea” or “situation” which has been mentioned before or it is obvious by the context.

This, that, these, those in Spanish: ESTE, ESTA, ESE, ESA, ESTO, and more!

Learn to correctly

ESTE vs ESTA vs ESTO - What is the BEST translation of ‘THIS’?

Whenever you want to say “this” in Spanish, you have a choice between three words

Spanische wichtige wörter lernen - eso, esto, aquel, esa, esta, aquella, ese, este aquello

In diesem Spanischunterricht wirst du viele wichtige Vokabeln der spanische Sprache lernen, nämlich die spanischen …