Howdy, iam Robert Calhoun, Don’t worry, it’s one day closer to the weekend.

Do People Pay To Get Verified? [Solved]

According to Instagram, “Only some public figures, celebrities and brands have verified badges. It’s not currently possible to request or purchase a verified badge.” That’s actually not true; you can definitely request to be verified. And you can pay to be verified, on the black market.16 Apr 2018

How to get verified with 0 subs (Troll people)


Exodus: I tried to fly to London on a fake passport - BBC News

Hassan left Syria after he was arrested and tortured for protesting against the government - his aim was to reach the UK. After his …

shopaa - USDT Yield Platform - Payment Verification (Success)

Shopaa is Amazon’s largest marketplace. Our business unit, Shopaa, helps salespeople process orders to increase store …