Namaste, iam Donnie Edwards, Don’t work too hard.

Do You Add 1 Degree Under The Armpit? [Solved]

Should I add a degree to oral (under the tongue) and axillary (under the arm) readings? Yes, for the most accuracy. Rectal temperatures are considered most accurate indication of the body’s temperature. Oral and axillary temperature readings are about ½° to 1°F (.23 Mar 2020

Do you add 1 degree under the armpit?

37 Degree Fever •

How to Take a Temperature: Under Arm, Oral, Ear, Rectum, Skin, Temporal

How to take a temperature in nursing using different types of thermometers: Nurse shows how to take a temperature in 6 different …

How to Take a Baby’s Temperature in Armpit (Axillary) | Pediatric Infant Nursing Skill

Learn how to check an infant / baby’s temperature via the axillary (